by rj | Feb 21, 2018 | Events, Hut Talk, Updates
The reading nook / extra sleeping bench in our first hut, complete with mountain trim work. We still have some work to do. It’s nearly March, and that means we only have a few more months before our first hut moves from its current location...
by rj | Jan 24, 2018 | Hut Talk, Outdoorist, Updates
The former South Pond cabin. Photo: The Trust for Public Land Our executive director’s thoughts on the recent tragedy at South Pond It has been just over a week since we learned about the loss of the beautiful South Pond cabin in Chittenden. When I...
by rj | Dec 14, 2017 | Hut Talk, Outdoorist, Updates
An in-progress photo of our first hut’s construction at Yestermorrow. This is definitely the most exciting (and lengthy!) update we’ve shared. We’re entering the winter season with a ton of momentum, and you’ll want to read on to learn the...
by rj | Jul 10, 2017 | Events, Hut Talk, the News
Progress is being made on our first hut. Conceptual designs are in the works. Despite the wet weather we’ve been experiencing here in Vermont, there are a lot of new developments to share on the hut front. Read on to see what we’ve been up to...
by rj | Apr 7, 2017 | Climate
Are powder days like this becoming less frequent in Vermont? As the last gasps of winter slowly transition to the warm breezes of spring, the remaining piles of snow will melt away to reveal the mess that is mud season in Vermont. April is a bittersweet time...