
Upcoming Opportunities to Get Involved

Vermont Huts Association is looking for folks to join us on one of the following committees:

Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion: To focus on creating and supporting inclusive and equitable organizational policies, decisions, programs, and communications. Committee members will work closely with VHA staff to establish and review guidelines and frameworks to ensure and enhance equity while identifying and working to remove systemic barriers in outdoor experiences. The committee will meet every four to six weeks to begin, then create their own schedule based on group goals and availability. We are looking for approximately five folks with diverse backgrounds, voices, experiences, and ideas to stand up this committee.

Fundraising: to assist with the development and execution of the organization’s fundraising plan. Committee members will work closely with VHA staff to create and implement successful fundraising strategies, identify new sources of potential support, and assist with various fundraising events and activities. The committee will meet every four to six weeks to begin, then create their own schedule based on group goals and availability. We are looking for up to five folks with experience in finance, fundraising, budgeting, event management, and/or writing. Committee members should be passionate about helping VHA meet its annual fundraising goals in pursuit of mission fulfillment and a financially stable organization.

Please fill out the form below and indicate which committee(s) you might be interested in joining, and we’ll get back to you regarding upcoming meetings.