Jean Haigh Cabin
Jean Haigh Cabin Located in Barton, Vermont Jean Haigh Cabin Information Jean Haigh Cabin is one of two rental cabins at the Wheeler Pond Camps site in Barton, Vermont. Alongside Hadsel-Mares Cabin, these two cabins are operated by the Green Mountain Club (GMC) and...
Gale’s Retreat
Gale’s Retreat Huntington, Vermont Gale’s Retreat Information Gale’s Retreat is a cabin built by the founder of the Birds of Vermont Museum, Bob Spear. He built the cabin for Gale Lawrence, a published nature writer, as a writing retreat. This cabin’s...
Grout Pond Hut
Grout Pond Located in the Green Mountain National Forest GROUT POND Hut Information Located on a semi-remote campground in the Green Mountain National Forest, Grout Pond Hut is our newest hut to the network. Hut amenities include: Bunks and mattress pads for up to 10...